Cyanotype Mandalas
Monday, September 21st | 2:30pm | Alta Peruvian Lodge Lawn | $5 | Pre Register Here
Join ACE and artist Sarah May to create cyanotype mandalas. We will talk about what exactly a mandala is, then we will use plants, flowers and other objects like lace, string, glitter, etc. to create a circular shape. A cyanotype is an alternative photographic process where light-sensitive chemicals can be applied to paper, wood, or fabric, and an image becomes exposed through UV light such as the sun, while a Mandala is used in some spiritual traditions for meditation or for marking a spiritual space. The word mandala itself simply means "circle" in Sanskrit. A mandala is also known as a symbol of the universe.
Sarah May (she/hers) is a biracial Indigenous Salvadoran American, artist, writer, curator, facilitator, and advocate based out of Salt Lake City, Utah. Sarah creates work exploring the intricacy of narrative through imagery and text reflecting on the collective human experience using cyanotype, film photography, retablo ofrendas, and her own writing. Her current work and process reflect her journey exploring identity as being cyclical and evolving, the links personal ancestry manifests in prosperity, embracing Indigeneity, and the idea of destiny and healing as intertwined.