Sacred Soundbath
Wednesday, November 27th | Pre-registration | $5 | GMD Yoga Room | 6pm
Raise your vibration in Sacred Space.
Sage smudge used to clear and cleanse the space for ceremony. Guided meditation to activate the light body - Chakras, Vertical Pathway and Aura. Crystal Singing Bowls, Ancient Tibetan Bowls, drumming and more will bring student’s energetic frequency into resonate, elevating physical, emotional, mental and spiritual trauma that no longer serves.
This Sound Healing Meditation is designed to put the physical body into a para-sympathetic state and the mind into a Theta Brain Wave thus creating a space of least resistance, opening one’s self up to the greatest state of healing. Supporting students to access their connection to higher state of consciousness.
Leave feeling lighter and more like yourself
Essential oils provided to deepen the experience.
Please provide your own yoga mats, blanket/pillow & eye masks. (some mats available)